
Equipment Funded in 2023 ($7,174,626)

Thank you to our donors and Thunder Bay 50/50 supporters for funding these vital pieces of equipment!

Infant Crib, Fun Centre & Scale

(Paediatrics, $22,340)


Equipment upgrade and replacement

A new infant crib replaces ageing equipment, transitioning to a standardized crib. The Fun Centre, extremely popular with paediatric inpatients, replaces ageing electronics and is upgraded to the Nintendo Switch gaming system. A new infant scale increases capacity for both Paediatric Inpatient and Paediatric Outpatient.


Infant Warmer, Delivery Cart, and Perineum Lights

(Labour & Delivery, $149,600)


Equipment upgrade and replacement

A new infant warmer keeps baby warm during post-birth examination; a new instruments cart replaces an ageing wooden cart that cannot be properly cleaned; and a new motorized lighting system assists staff in the delivery room by putting light where it's needed during delivery and post-birth examinations.


Infant Radiant Warmer with Resuscitation Panel and Infant Scale

(Neonatal Intensive Care Unit [NICU], $49,009)


Equipment upgrade and replacement

Infant resuscitations are rare, but it's vital to have the right equipment when needed. This new panel assists staff with reviving such a small patient and helps keep baby warm. A new infant scale increases capacity within the 14-bed NICU.


Tronix Paediatric Infant Scale

(Maternity Centre $4,369)


Equipment upgrade

Newborns typically lose 10% of their weight after birth, and it is important to monitor their weight in the first several weeks. This new scale will increase capacity within the Maternity Centre so babies can be weighed during lactation consultations and other visits.


Natus Brain Monitor Amplifier

(NWO Regional Stroke Network, $23,806)


Equipment replacement

EEGs can help staff assess stroke patients. Electrical signals from the brain must be amplified to read the EEG correctly. The current amplifier is ageing and faulty, so getting an accurate reading is difficult. This replacement amplifier will ensure accurate readings.


Automated Medication Dispensing Unit Software Upgrade

(All Units, $70,000)


Software Upgrade

Automated dispensing cabinets are proven to improve medication speed and safety – including at our Hospital. Rather than travel to the pharmacy to manually fill prescriptions, they can be reviewed and approved electronically. Over the years, the number of dispensing units available at our Hospital has grown so a software upgrade is required.


Cancer Biomarker/
ImmuniHistoChemistry Stainer

(Pathology, $186,459)


Equipment to expand lab testing capacity

Lab technicians study biopsy tissue to identify malignant tumours. However, cancer cells and healthy cells can look similar under a microscope. IHC staining highlights the cancer cells to help with cancer diagnosis and treatment planning. The lab currently has two similar stainers that are running over-capacity. This new unit expands capacity, increasing turnaround times during cancer diagnosis so patients can get answers – and treatment – faster.


Point of Care Ultrasound Machine

(Cardiac Cath Lab, $79,191)


Equipment upgrade and replacement

Ultrasound units are used in the Cardiac Cath Lab for non-invasive diagnosis of certain heart conditions. It can also provide image-guided treatments such as inserting a needle to drain fluid build-up around the heart. This new unit replaces an ageing unit while providing improved image quality and increased functionality.


Operating Room Light Replacement

(Cardiac Cath Lab, $2,995)


Equipment replacement

Staff use a portable light in the Cardiac Cath Lab for certain procedures such a pacemaker insertion. The current light is ageing and replacement parts cost more than replacement. The new light will avoid breakdowns during procedures.


Operating Room Equipment

(Operating Room, $191,040)


Equipment replacement

Instruments in the operating room wear down over time. This grant replaces several items: instruments for cataract surgery, two pieces of equipment for urinary tract imaging, orthopaedic tool for repairing small fractures, orthopaedic drill primarily for repairing larger bones, and a camera for minimally invasive orthopaedic surgery.


Aquarius CT Urodynamics System

(Ambulatory Care, $70,950)


Equipment replacement

Urodynamic testing helps doctors diagnose certain urinary tract problems. Advanced equipment precisely measures the pressure within the bladder and records muscle and nerve activity to diagnose issues such as incontinence.


CT Scanner

(Diagnostic Imaging, $337,204)


Equipment replacement and upgrade

Our current CT scanner runs 24/5 and 16/2 serving up to 70 patients per day. That amount of use means it is now prone to breakdowns leading to delays for patients – delays that given the heavy usage are not easily recoverable. This new unit replaces the 12+ year unit and provides safer scans using lower doses of radiation.


Portable C-Arm

(Operating Room, $200,000)


Equipment replacement and upgrade for imaging in the Operating Room

The operating rooms use C-Arms, semi-portable digital imaging devices, for image-guided surgeries including fixing broken bones, spinal injuries, and abdominal injuries. Currently, the two units we have are ageing (purchased in 2003) and are getting harder to fix and find parts. This new unit reduces the risk of downtime and uses less radiation to produce better images than previous models for better patient care and safety.


Automated Medication Dispensing Unit - Pharmacy

(Pharmacy, $100,000)


Equipment to improve medication speed and safety

Automated dispensing cabinets are proven to improve medication speed and safety – including at our Hospital. Rather than travel to the pharmacy to manually fill prescriptions, they can be reviewed and approved electronically. Then, the secure cabinet automatically dispenses the right medication and dose to authorized healthcare professionals on that unit. This greatly increases speed and reduces the risk of medication errors, improving both patient safety and comfort. This grant contributes to a unit in the Cardiac Cath Lab.


MRI Contrast Agent Injector

(Diagnostic Imaging, $37,711)


Equipment replacement to control rate of MRI contrast agent for Diagnostic Imaging

MRIs require a gadolinium-based contrast agent for imaging. An attached injector helps control the flow rate of the contrast agent during the MRI scan for best imaging results. However, the current injector is ageing and breaks down often. Staff often need to inject the contrast agent manually. Although safe for the patient, manual injection can compromise the quality of the images.


PET/CT Replacement

(Diagnostic Imaging, $250,000)


Equipment Replacement and Reconstruction to accommodate new equipment

The PET/CT is a type of nuclear medicine that uses medical radioisotopes (generated in our cyclotron) to image cancer and other diseases and conditions. These scans help doctors diagnose cancer and develop radiation treatment plans for patients. Our current PET/CT scanner is 15 years old and needs to be replaced to avoid delays due to breakdown. New technology promises faster scans, increased patient capacity, and more uses including head & neck cancers and cardiac scans, among others.


Dose Drawing Robot

(Diagnostic Imaging, $5,616)


Equipment to prepare correct radioisotope dosage for Diagnostic Imaging

The PET/CT is a type of nuclear medicine that uses medical radioisotopes (generated in our cyclotron) to image the body. These use extremely small doses of radioactive material. Previously, the dosage and volume of patients was so small that technicians could safely draw the dosage manually. However as patient volume goes up, so does the exposure risk to technicians. The Dose Drawing Robot is a shielded device that reduces human contact with the radioisotopes, reducing the risk of overexposure to staff.


Bladder Scanner

(Emergency Department, $12,500)


Equipment to image the bladder

A bladder scanner is a non-invasive method of assessing patients presenting at the Emergency Department with bladder issues using 3D ultrasound. This reduces various risks involved with catheterization including infections and is better for patient comfort. The Emergency Department's previous unit has broken down and is beyond repair.


Pulse Generator

(Intensive Care Unit [ICU], $7,345)


Equipment replacement to increase slow heart rate for the ICU

Patients can experience a dangerously low heart rate for a number of reasons including heart attack, pre-existing heart issues, and certain medications. External pacemakers use a pulse generator help keep the heart beating at a higher level until a pacemaker can be inserted. This pulse generator replaces an ageing unit that is at end of life.



(ICU and NICU, $179,956)


Equipment to assist with breathing

Ventilators provide breathing assistance for patients unable to breathe well enough on their own. These two new ventilators will expand capacity for the ICU, and are portable so that they can be used in NICU as needed.


Cardiac Monitor System

(All Units, $500,000)


Equipment to monitor heart rate and vital signs used throughout our Hospital

Our current cardiac monitor system has reached end of life, and replacement parts are no longer available. This new, integrated cardiac monitor system includes 135 monitors, 57 telemetry packs, and a centralized network, and will be used in the Emergency Department, ICU, NICU, 3C Neurosurgery Unit, Cardiology, Labour & Delivery, and the Post-anaesthetic Care Unit. This grant will support the larger project.



(Cancer Centre, $41,019)


Equipment used during head & neck cancer treatment

Our Cancer Centre runs three head & neck cancer clinics every month, which sees up to 20 patients. A rhinolaryngoscope provides images through the nose and into the throat to help monitor the patient during pre-treatment, treatment, and follow-up care of head & neck cancers. This new scope adds capacity to meet growing need.


Radiation Therapy Testing Equipment

(Regional Cancer Care, $169,783)


Equipment used to test linear accelerators (LINACs)

Radiation therapy is a complex operation. Most importantly, staff at Regional Cancer Care want to ensure that the actual radiation doses administered to patients are what is prescribed for patient safety. This requires advanced and comprehensive testing, particularly during the commissioning of the new LINAC (Linear Accelerator). This new testing equipment replaces ageing equipment currently in use.


Prostate-specific Radioisotope Production

(Cyclotron/Radio Pharmacy, $268,926)


Research used during PET scans

PET scans were first used at our Hospital to diagnose and stage lung cancer. Today, new applications for PET scans are being researched, including prostate-specific radioisotopes. This grant will allow prostate cancer patients in Northwestern Ontario to enter a clinical trial to measure the effectiveness of this new imaging method using radioisotopes produced at our own cyclotron.


Research Study – Nurses' Experiences

(All Units, $3,000)


Research to help improve nurse retention at our Hospital

Nursing shortages are felt through Ontario, Canada, and the world. This research study hopes to find the reasons why nurses leave the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre and/or the nursing profession. In turn, researchers want to find ways to give nurses the supports they need in order to stay. The information can be shared with other hospitals to improve retention rates elsewhere as well.



Equipment funded in regional hospitals


Chemotherapy Program Equipment and Training, Marathon

(Regional Cancer Program, $20,110)


Equipment replacement and Training courses for Nurses

The North of Superior Healthcare Group, Wilson Memorial Hospital Site in Marathon needs to replace ageing equipment for its Chemotherapy Program including two new infusion pumps and two chemotherapy chairs to replace ageing equipment. This grant also funds Desouza courses, training program nurses in palliative care and in management of patient depression and anxiety.


Cellavision Blood Analyzer, Sioux Lookout

(Regional Cancer Program, $45,850)


Equipment to speed up cancer detection

Certain cancers can be detected through blood tests. However, this requires analysis by a specialist, which currently requires the blood samples to be sent away. It can take three to six weeks to get results. This equipment will allow the cancer program at the Meno Ya Win Health Centre in Sioux Lookout to pre-analyze the blood sample, digitize an image, and send electronically for follow-up as needed. This will greatly speed up the process so patients do not need to wait as long for results.


Chemotherapy Equipment, Terrace Bay

(Regional Cancer Care, $24,975)


Equipment for chemotherapy infusion

The North of Superior Healthcare Group, McCausland Hospital site in Terrace Bay needs two new infusion pumps to replace ageing equipment. This grant will also purchase a chemotherapy chair and a dedicated stretcher for the chemotherapy program for patients who need to lie down during treatment.



other funding

Emergency Department Renovation Project ($2,830,000)

Cath Lab - remaining half of funding ($1,018,900)

Family Care Grants 2023/24 ($100,000)

Parking Revenue - Research Support ($156,973)

Cancer Patient Program 2023/24 ($10,000)

Thunder Bay Breast Cancer Support Group ($5,000)
